Firstly a big thank you for being here and being part of this community space with me.
Community is a massive theme for 2024 and I’m looking forward to seeing you online but also in person! One of my visions for this year, is real in person connections with you so watch out for some global events.
Would you like to host me in your city? Know a wellness/spiritual event looking for speakers? Or know someone who can support me in your city to make an event happen. Email me 💜
I’ll let you into a secret.
As a New Year 2024 kick off, I’m doing a ONE DAY FREE TRIAL to the full energy forecast. I’ve done this so you can get a taster of what the full forecasts look like.
This one day free trial will only be available until January 4th and then the paywall will be resumed.
This is a ONE OFF that will only happen this once in 2024.
PLUS I’m also offering 20% OFF on YEARLY MEMBERSHIPS. So if you’ve been enjoying the monthly subscription you can switch to the discounted yearly membership. Or if you’re new here and want to dive in, grab this New Year Offer.
Only available until January 6th
So the January 2024 Energy Forecast!
The theme for the month ahead is….
This month we’re invited into the Ignition.
Not an ignition like you would expect in a year where the energy forecast is FIRED UP. ( see previous post)
This isn’t about starting with a bang
Or a roaring fire that’s out of control
But to give yourself Permission to push the button.
To press the ignition.
To fire it up.
With patience and finding your feet.
"An excerpt of the energy from the January Energy Forecast”
Want to access the full forecast? With all the themes, tools and guidance?
Including a 30 min channeled video, binaural beats activation & card spread.
By subscribing for just $8.88 a month ( or discounted 20% off for the year - $78.40 usual price $98) you’ll receive the forecast directly to your inbox. Don’t be in the dark on what’s coming up energetically this month. Get ahead, so you can prepare on how to navigate the themes and be in your power.